Downloading an SSL certificate from the server with the Central Node component

You can download an SSL certificate from the server with the Central Node component to any computer that has access to the server with the Central Node component via the SCP protocol. For more details on the methods for uploading files via the SCP protocol, please refer to the documentation on the operating system installed on the computer to which you want to download the SSL certificate.

To download the SSL certificate from the server with the Central Node component via the SCP protocol, perform the following actions in your computer's interface used for working over the SCP protocol (using the Linux operating system as an example):

  1. Execute the following command: scp admin@<IP address of the server with the Central Node component>:ssl/kata.crt .
  2. At the password prompt, enter the administrator password for working in the administrator menu of the server with the Central Node component that was set when the Central Node component was installed.

The SSL certificate will be uploaded from the server with the Central Node component to the current folder.

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