Configuring the settings for integration with Kaspersky Security Center

Integration with Kaspersky Security Center is not available in distributed solution mode.

To configure the settings for integration with Kaspersky Security Center:

  1. In the window of the program web interface, select the Settings section, Kaspersky Security Center Integration subsection.
  2. Turn on the toggle switch next to the name of the Integration parameter if it is turned off.
  3. In the Host/IP field, enter the IP address of Kaspersky Security Center.
  4. In the Port field, enter the port used for connecting to Kaspersky Security Center.
  5. In the KSC Login field, enter the user name with Kaspersky Security Center administrator permissions.
  6. In the KSC Password field, enter the password for accessing Kaspersky Security Center.
  7. Click Apply in the lower part of the window.

The settings for integration with Kaspersky Security Center will be configured.

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