Scenario for configuring notifications about server disk space usage

This section presents a scenario for configuring the maximum disk space usage on the server with the Central Node component. When the server disk space is full, Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform may fail to operate correctly (for example, it may skip alerts or fail to display new events in the events table).

After completing this scenario, notifications about server disk space usage will be sent to the email address(es) that you specify.

Configuring notifications about the maximum disk space usage on the server with the Central Node component consists of the following steps:

  1. Configuring the maximum permissible value for server disk space usage
  2. Configuring server settings for delivery of notifications
  3. Creating a rule for sending notifications about the maximum disk space usage on the server
  4. Enabling a rule for sending notifications about maximum server disk space usage

In existing rules for sending notifications about application components, disk space usage notifications will be enabled automatically if the All check box was selected in the Components settings group when the rule was created. If this is the case, when the server disk space is full, the upper part of the window in the Dashboard section of the program web interface will show a yellow-framed warning to users with the Senior security officer, Administrator or Security auditor role.

A notification about server disk space usage is sent one time to all of the email addresses specified in the rule.

In distributed solution mode, disk space usage notifications are configured separately for each subordinate server (Secondary Central Node, SCN).

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