Download OpenAPI specification:Download
This is a KES web api documentation
Returns list of AAC heuristics groups
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Return list of all host devices
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Return list of all host principals
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Return application control category tree
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Returns list of applications in required folder.
Before the request you need to subscribe to the EventSource with name 'folderapps'.
The first request for particular folder should be with only query parameter 'path', only after that you can request data for retrive.
Accessible column names:
file_name - File;
file_hash - File hash code;
folder_path - Folder path;
certificate_issuer - Issuer;
certificate_subject - Subject;
certificate_thumbprint - Thumbprint;
kl_category_name - Kl category;
kl_category_id - Kl category id (Not represintation on UI);
original_file_name - File name;
file_version - File version;
program_name - Application name;
program_version - Application version;
program_vendor - Vendor;
columns | Array of strings Columns to retrieve (Array of columns names separated by comma) |
end | integer End record position to retrieve |
filter-columns | Array of strings Columns filtered by (Array of columns names separated by comma) |
filter-string | string Filter string |
path | string Path to the folder to get from |
recursive | boolean Include subfolders (default is false) |
start | integer Start record position to retrieve |
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Development server
Returns list of started applications.
Before the request you need to subscribe to the EventSource with name 'startedapps'.
The first request for started applications should be without any query parameters, only after that you can request data for retrive.
Accessible column names:
file_name - File;
file_hash - File hash code;
folder_path - Folder path;
certificate_issuer - Issuer;
certificate_subject - Subject;
certificate_thumbprint - Thumbprint;
kl_category_name - Kl category;
kl_category_id - Kl category id (Not represintation on UI);
original_file_name - File name;
file_version - File version;
program_name - Application name;
program_version - Application version;
program_vendor - Vendor;
columns | Array of strings Columns to retrieve (Array of columns names separated by comma) |
end | integer End record position to retrieve |
filter-columns | Array of strings Columns filtered by (Array of columns names separated by comma) |
filter-string | string Filter string |
start | integer Start record position to retrieve |
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Return component list
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Development server
If query isn't specified returns json array of available event names that you can to subscribe, if query is specified you gonna subscribe to events
subscribe | Array of strings Array of event names separated by commas that you wanna subscribe |
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Request KSN Agreement accept by user
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Development server
View KSN Agreement in maximized window
You don't have permission to access
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Development server
Return principal list by sid list
sids | Array of strings |
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Development server
Returns count of rows in FileAvReportTable
command | string |
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Development server
Returns report records preset with filters in query
command | string |
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Gets any product settings by id
id required | integer ID of desired settings struct in hexadecimal format (begins without 0x) |
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Sets any product settings by id
id required | integer ID of desired settings struct in hexadecimal format (begins without 0x) |
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Development server
Gets any product settings by id
id required | integer ID of desired settings struct in hexadecimal format (begins without 0x) |
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Development server
Sets any product settings by id
id required | integer ID of desired settings struct in hexadecimal format (begins without 0x) |
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Description of the method is not specified
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NOTE: operation can be performed asynchronously.
task_id required | string Task's id (profile name for product) |
action | string |
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Description of the method is not specified
task_id required | string Task's id (profile name for product) |
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
task_id required | string Task's id (profile name for product) |
You don't have permission to access
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
You don't have permission to access
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
You don't have permission to access
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
You don't have permission to access
Unexpected error
Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
doNotUnpackArchivesWhenBig | boolean |
doNotUnpackArchivesWhenBiggerThanMb | integer <int32> |
enabled | boolean |
scanArchives | boolean |
scanInstallPackages | boolean |
scanOfficeFiles | boolean |
useIChecker | boolean |
workMode | integer <uint32> |
You don't have permission to access
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
enabled | boolean |
heuristicGroups | Array of objects |
messageTemplates | object |
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
backgroundScan | object |
backupStorage | object |
basesValidity | object |
debugInformation | object |
hsdpStatus | object |
notifications | object |
operatingMode | object |
passwordProtection | object |
performance | object |
proxy | object |
removableDrivesScan | object |
reports | object |
selfDefense | object |
support | object |
taskControl | object |
userInteraction | object |
warnings | object |
You don't have permission to access
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
action | integer <uint32> |
enabled | boolean |
sfAntiCryptor | object |
You don't have permission to access
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
You don't have permission to access
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
groupsToBlock | Array of integers <uint32> |
mode | integer <uint32> |
servicesToBlock | Array of integers <uint32> |
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
compoundFilesSettings | object |
forceAdvancedDisinfection | boolean |
heuristicLevel | integer <uint32> |
scanAction | integer <uint32> |
scanFilter | integer <uint32> |
scanUnchangedObjects | boolean |
timeLimits | object |
useIChecker | boolean |
useISwift | boolean |
You don't have permission to access
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
You don't have permission to access
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
allowRequestAccess | boolean |
antiBridgingSettings | object |
blockMsg | string |
busAccessRules | Array of objects |
complaintAddress | string |
complaintMsg | string |
complaintSubject | string |
deviceAccessRules | Array of objects |
enabled | boolean |
fileOperationsMonitoringSettings | object |
schedules | Array of objects |
trustedDevices | Array of objects |
wirelessSettings | object |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
bitlockerFixedDisksSettings | object |
fixedDisksEncryptionTechnology | integer <uint32> |
kasperskyFdeFixedDisksSettings | object |
kasperskyFdeRemovableDisksSettings | object |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
You don't have permission to access
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
blackListRules | Array of objects |
customCategories | Array of objects |
defaultDenyMode | boolean |
enabled | boolean |
id | integer <uint64> |
messageTemplates | object |
moduleControl | integer <uint32> |
testMode | integer <uint32> |
whiteListRules | Array of objects |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
scanExclusionsAndTrustedZone | object |
threats | object |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
action | integer <uint32> |
enableSystemProcessesMemoryProtection | boolean |
enabled | boolean |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
compoundFilesSettings | object |
enabled | boolean |
heuristicLevel | integer <uint32> |
scanAction | integer <uint32> |
scanFilter | integer <uint32> |
scanMode | integer <uint32> |
scanScope | Array of objects |
scanUnchangedObjects | boolean |
sleepMode | object |
useIChecker | boolean |
useISwift | boolean |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
adminMessageTemplate | string |
complaintBodyTemplate | string |
complaintRecipient | string |
complaintSubject | string |
fixedDriveSettings | object |
removableDriveSettings | object |
secureWipeOriginals | boolean |
sfxPasswordSettings | object |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
You don't have permission to access
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
firewall | object |
hips | object |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
ServerAddress | string |
ServerPort | integer <uint16> |
enabled | boolean |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
enableVirtualKeyboard | boolean |
enabled | boolean |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
agreedKsnMd5s | Array of strings |
enableCloudAVMode | boolean |
ksnInaccessibleCloudAvModeSeverity | integer <uint32> |
ksnInaccessibleSeverity | integer <uint32> |
requestsAgreement | object |
statisticsAgreement | object |
useKlServers | boolean |
useKsnProxy | boolean |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
attachmentsFilterSettings | object |
compoundFilesSettings | object |
enabled | boolean |
heuristicLevel | integer <uint32> |
outlookPluginSettings | object |
scanAction | integer <uint32> |
scanDirection | integer <uint32> |
scanMailTraffic | boolean |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
banTimeout | integer <uint32> |
enableBan | boolean |
enabled | boolean |
excludeIPs | Array of objects |
macSpoofingProtectionMode | integer <uint32> |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
You don't have permission to access
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
enabled | boolean |
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
portsMonitoring | object |
trafficDecoding | object |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
You don't have permission to access
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
antiphishingSettings | object |
checkLinksWithSuspiciousUrlDatabase | boolean |
enabled | boolean |
heuristicLevel | integer <uint32> |
scanAction | integer <uint32> |
trustedUrlSettings | object |
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Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
Big-Int-String-Format | string If the param is specified than int64 numbers in response will have a string representation |
advancedSettings | object |
complaintBodyTemplate | string |
complaintRecipient | string |
complaintSubject | string |
defaultVerdict | integer <uint32> |
denyMessageTemplate | string |
enabled | boolean |
rules | Array of objects |
schedules | Array of objects |
urlCategories | Array of objects |
warnMessageTemplate | string |
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NOTE: operation can be performed asynchronously.
action | string |
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Description of the method is not specified
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
run_as | object |
schedule | object |
settings | object |
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NOTE: operation can be performed asynchronously.
action | string |
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Description of the method is not specified
You don't have permission to access
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
run_as | object |
schedule | object |
settings | object |
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NOTE: operation can be performed asynchronously.
action | string |
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
You don't have permission to access
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
run_as | object |
schedule | object |
settings | object |
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NOTE: operation can be performed asynchronously.
action | string |
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
You don't have permission to access
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
run_as | object |
schedule | object |
settings | object |
You don't have permission to access
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NOTE: operation can be performed asynchronously.
action | string |
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Description of the method is not specified
You don't have permission to access
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
run_as | object |
schedule | object |
settings | object |
You don't have permission to access
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NOTE: operation can be performed asynchronously.
action | string |
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
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Development server
Description of the method is not specified
run_as | object |
schedule | object |
settings | object |
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