Hiding data automatically

Privacy Protection is only available in the premium version of Kaspersky Internet Security.

You must turn off data hiding to manage private contacts (for example, to view calls and text messages from private contacts) and configure Privacy Protection settings. When you are finished managing private contacts, you must turn on data hiding again. You can configure the app to automatically hide data when a certain amount of time has elapsed after you have finished managing private contacts and the screen is off.

To enable automatic data hiding:

  1. Open Kaspersky Internet Security quick launch panel.
  2. Tap Privacy Protection.
  3. Enter the app's secret code.

    If you forget the secret code, you can recover it.

  4. Set the Privacy Protection switch to OFF.
  5. Tap Settings > Privacy Protection > Advanced settings.
  6. For the Hide automatically setting, select the time period after which private data should be hidden automatically.

The app will automatically hide private data after the specified time if the screen has been turned off.

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