Activating the application

To activate the application:

  1. Open the Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365 Management Console.
  2. In the left part of the page, select the License section.
  3. If you want to assign a commercial license to the application running in trial mode, click the Switch to commercial license button.

    If you want to replace the current license, click the Replace button.

    The Activating application section opens.

  4. In the Enter activation code field, enter the activation code in the XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX format and click Continue.

    Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365 transmits the entered activation code and the corresponding license ID to Kaspersky Lab's activation servers for verification.

  5. Once the activation code is verified, the following details about the corresponding license are displayed:
    • Type – Commercial or Commercial (subscription).
    • Owner – the contact person of the company that purchased the license.
    • Expiration date – the last day of the current license term.
    • Number of mailboxes covered by the license – the maximum number of mailboxes you may select for protection under the current license.

    Review these details carefully to make sure they are correct.

  6. Click the Confirm button.

The license is assigned to the application. You can always check the license details in the License section.

The application regularly connects to Kaspersky Lab activation servers to update its current license status.

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