About the SVM Management Wizard log

During SVM deployment and reconfiguration, the SVM Management Wizard logs all information that you specify at every step of the wizard in the wizard log.

You can use the wizard log when contacting Technical Support if SVM deployment or reconfiguration has ended with an error. Information recorded in the wizard log is not sent to Kaspersky automatically.

The Wizard log is saved in the file named KasperskyDeploymentWizard_<file creation date and time>.log, which is located in the folder %LOCALAPPDATA%\Kaspersky_Lab\SvmDeploymentWizard\<application version number>\ on the same computer where the Wizard was started.

Information in the file is overwritten every time the wizard starts. To be able to use information from the wizard log later, save the log file in a permanent storage location.

During SVM deployment, the following information is saved in the wizard log:

During SVM reconfiguration, the following information is saved in the wizard log:

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