Adding a LDAP server connection

You can add a connection with one or several LDAP servers.

To add a LDAP server connection:

  1. In the application web interface window, select the Settings section, LDAP server connection subsection.
  2. Click Add.

    The Add connection window opens.

  3. In the Name text box, type the name of the LDAP server that will be displayed in Kaspersky Web Traffic Security web interface.
  4. In the Keytab file block of settings, click Upload to load a keytab file.

    The file selection window opens.

  5. Select the keytab file and click Open.
  6. In the Search base (Base DN) text box, enter the DN (Distinguished Name) of the directory object that is used by Kaspersky Web Traffic Security as the starting point for record lookup.

    Enter the directory suffix in the following format: ou=<name of the department> (if applicable), dc=<domain name>, dc=<parent domain name>.

    For example, you can enter ou=people, dc=example, dc=com.

    Here, people is the level in the directory schema from which Kaspersky Web Traffic Security looks up records (the search is performed at level people and below. Objects above that level are excluded from the search), example is the domain name of the directory in which Kaspersky Web Traffic Security looks up records, and com is the name of the parent domain in which the directory is located.

  7. Click Add.

The LDAP server connection is added.

See also

Connecting to a LDAP server

Removing a LDAP server connection

Changing LDAP server connection settings

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