Scenario for installing and configuring a Master server and a Worker server on different servers

The scenario for installing and configuring a Master server and Worker server on different servers consists of the following steps:

On the Master server

  1. SELinux Shutdown
  2. Installing the nginx service
  3. Configuring ports for operation of the Master server and Secondary master server
  4. Installing and configuring the Master server and Secondary master server package
  5. Installing the localization package
  6. Configuring the Master server

On the Worker server

  1. SELinux Shutdown
  2. Installing the nginx service
  3. Configuring ports for operation of the Worker server
  4. Installing the Squid service if you’re not using a separate proxy server and want to install the Squid service
  5. Installing the Worker server package
  6. Configuring the Worker server
  7. Configuring the Squid service if you have already installed the Squid service
  8. Configuring SSL Bumping in the Squid service if you have already installed the Squid service
  9. Configuring the integration of the Squid service with Active Directory® if you installed the Squid service
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