About Integration Server logs

Information about the operation of the Integration Server and the Integration Server Management Console may be recorded in the following logs:

Log files are created only after you have enabled the logging of information to the Integration Server logs. By default, information about the operation of the Integration Server and Integration Server Management Console is not saved.

You can enable logging of information to Integration Server logs, and change the level of detail of information in Integration Server logs by using configuration files:

Contact Technical Support representatives for details.

If you enabled the logging of information to the Integration Server operation log, you can view this log by clicking the View operation log link in the Integration Server settings section of the Integration Server Management Console. The link is available only if the Integration Server Management Console is installed on the same computer as the Integration Server.

The following information may be saved in the Integration Server operation log:

The following information may be saved in the Integration Server Management Console operation log.

Information recorded in Integration Server logs is not automatically sent to Kaspersky Lab. You can use logs when you need to contact Technical Support. The information recorded in log files may be needed for analysis and identification of the causes of errors in the operation of the Integration Server.

Logs are stored in unencrypted form. You are advised to ensure that information is protected against unauthorized access.

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