Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console Help
- What's new
- Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- About Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Hardware and software requirements for Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Compatible Kaspersky applications and solutions
- Localization of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Comparison of Kaspersky Security Center and Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Architecture and basic concepts
- Application licensing
- Licensing of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- About the trial mode of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Using Kaspersky Marketplace to choose Kaspersky business solutions
- Licenses and the minimum number of devices for each license
- Events of the licensing limit exceeded
- Methods of distribution of the activation codes to the managed devices
- Adding a license key to the Administration Server repository
- Deploying a license key to client devices
- Automatic distribution of a license key
- Viewing information about license keys in use in the Administration Server repository
- Viewing information about the license keys used for a specific Kaspersky application
- Deleting a license key from the repository
- Viewing the list of devices where a Kaspersky application is not activated
- Revoking consent with an End User License Agreement
- Renewing licenses for Kaspersky applications
- Use of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console after the license expiration
- Licensing definitions
- Data provision
- Hardening Guide
- Interface of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Initial configuration of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Workspace management
- About workspace management in Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Getting started with Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Opening your Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console workspace
- Returning to the list of workspaces
- Signing out of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Managing the company and the list of workspaces
- Managing access to the company and its workspaces
- Resetting your password
- Editing the settings of an account in Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Selecting the data centers used to store Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console information
- Access to public DNS servers
- Scenario: Creating a hierarchy of Administration Servers managed through Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Migration to Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- About migration from Kaspersky Security Center Web Console
- Methods of migration to Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Scenario: Migration without a hierarchy of Administration Servers
- Migration wizard
- Migration with a hierarchy of Administration Servers
- Scenario: Migration of devices running Linux or macOS operating systems
- Scenario: Reverse migration from Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console to Kaspersky Security Center
- Migration with virtual Administration Servers
- About migration from Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud
- About migration from Kaspersky Security Center Web Console
- Quick start wizard
- About quick start wizard
- Starting quick start wizard
- Step 1. Selecting installation packages to download
- Step 2. Configuring a proxy server
- Step 3. Configuring Kaspersky Security Network
- Step 4. Configuring third-party update management
- Step 5. Creating a basic network protection configuration
- Step 6. Closing the quick start wizard
- Kaspersky applications initial deployment
- Scenario: Kaspersky applications initial deployment
- Creating installation packages for Kaspersky applications
- Distributing installation packages to secondary Administration Servers
- Creating a stand-alone installation packages for Network Agent
- Viewing the list of stand-alone installation packages
- Creating custom installation packages
- Requirements for a distribution point
- Network Agent installation package settings
- Virtual infrastructure
- Usage of Network Agent for Windows, macOS, and Linux: Comparison
- Specifying settings for remote installation on Unix devices
- Replacing third-party security applications
- Options for manual installation of applications
- Forced deployment through the remote installation task of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Protection deployment wizard
- Starting Protection deployment wizard
- Step 1. Selecting the installation package
- Step 2. Selecting Network Agent version
- Step 3. Selecting devices
- Step 4. Specifying the remote installation task settings
- Step 5. Restart management
- Step 6. Removing incompatible applications before installation
- Step 7. Moving devices to Managed devices
- Step 8. Selecting accounts to access devices
- Step 9. Starting installation
- Network settings for interaction with external services
- Preparing a device running Astra Linux in the closed software environment mode for installation of Network Agent
- Preparing a Linux device and installing Network Agent on a Linux device remotely
- Installing applications by using a remote installation task
- Starting and stopping Kaspersky applications
- Mobile Device Management
- Detection and response capabilities
- Discovering networked devices and creating administration groups
- Scenario: Discovering networked devices
- Network polling
- Adjustment of distribution points and connection gateways
- Calculating the number and configuration of distribution points
- Standard configuration of distribution points: Single office
- Standard configuration of distribution points: Multiple small remote offices
- Assigning distribution points manually
- Modifying the list of distribution points for an administration group
- Using a distribution point as a push server
- Using the "Do not disconnect from the Administration Server" option to provide continuous connectivity between a managed device and the Administration Server
- Creating administration groups
- Creating device moving rules
- Copying device moving rules
- Adding devices to an administration group manually
- Moving devices or clusters to an administration group manually
- Configuring retention rules for unassigned devices
- Configuring network protection
- Scenario: Configuring network protection
- About device-centric and user-centric security management approaches
- Policy setup and propagation: Device-centric approach
- Policy setup and propagation: User-centric approach
- Network Agent policy settings
- Comparison of Network Agent policy settings by operating systems
- Manual setup of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy
- Manual setup of the group update task for Kaspersky Endpoint Security
- Tasks
- Managing client devices
- Settings of a managed device
- Device selections
- Viewing and configuring the actions when devices show inactivity
- About device statuses
- Configuring the switching of device statuses
- Changing the Administration Server for client devices
- Creating Administration Server connection profiles
- About clusters and server arrays
- Properties of a cluster or server array
- Device tags
- Creating a device tag
- Renaming a device tag
- Deleting a device tag
- Viewing devices to which a tag is assigned
- Viewing tags assigned to a device
- Tagging devices manually
- Removing assigned tags from devices
- Viewing rules for tagging devices automatically
- Editing a rule for tagging devices automatically
- Creating a rule for tagging devices automatically
- Running rules for auto-tagging devices
- Deleting a rule for tagging devices automatically
- Quarantine and Backup
- Remote diagnostics of client devices
- Opening the remote diagnostics window
- Enabling and disabling tracing for applications
- Downloading trace files of an application
- Deleting trace files
- Downloading application settings
- Downloading system information from a client device
- Downloading event logs
- Starting, stopping, restarting the application
- Running the remote diagnostics of an application and downloading the results
- Running an application on a client device
- Generating a dump file for an application
- Remotely connecting to the desktop of a client device
- Connecting to devices through Windows Desktop Sharing
- Triggering of rules in Smart Training mode
- Managing administration groups
- Policies and policy profiles
- About policies
- About lock and locked settings
- Inheritance of policies and policy profiles
- Managing policies
- Viewing the list of policies
- Creating a policy
- Modifying a policy
- General policy settings
- Enabling and disabling a policy inheritance option
- Copying a policy
- Moving a policy
- Exporting a policy
- Importing a policy
- Viewing the policy distribution status chart
- Activating a policy automatically at the Virus outbreak event
- Forced synchronization
- Deleting a policy
- Managing policy profiles
- Data encryption and protection
- Users and user roles
- About user accounts
- Adding an account of an internal user
- About user roles
- Configuring access rights to application features. Role-based access control
- Assigning a role to a user or a security group
- Creating a user role
- Editing a user role
- Editing the scope of a user role
- Deleting a user role
- Associating policy profiles with roles
- Creating a security group
- Editing a security group
- Adding user accounts to an internal group
- Deleting a security group
- Configuring ADFS integration
- Configuring integration with Microsoft Entra ID
- Assigning a user as a device owner
- Assigning a user as a Linux device owner after installation of Network Agent
- Managing object revisions
- Kaspersky Security Network (KSN)
- Deletion of objects
- Updating Kaspersky databases and applications
- Scenario: Regular updating of Kaspersky databases and applications
- About updating Kaspersky databases, software modules, and applications
- Creating the task for downloading updates to the repositories of distribution points
- Configuring managed devices to receive updates only from distribution points
- Enabling and disabling automatic updating and patching for Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console components
- Automatic installation of updates for Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows
- About update statuses
- Approving and declining software updates
- Using diff files for updating Kaspersky databases and software modules
- Updating Kaspersky databases and software modules on offline devices
- Updating Kaspersky Security for Windows Server databases
- Managing third-party applications on client devices
- About third-party applications
- Limitations of Vulnerability and patch management
- Availability of Vulnerability and patch management features in trial and commercial mode and under various licensing options
- Third-party software updates
- Scenario: Updating third-party software
- Installing third-party software updates
- Creating the Find vulnerabilities and required updates task
- Find vulnerabilities and required updates task settings
- Creating the Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities task
- Adding rules for update installation
- Creating the Install Windows Update updates task
- Viewing information about available third-party software updates
- Exporting the list of available software updates to a file
- Approving and declining third-party software updates
- Updating third-party applications automatically
- Finding and fixing software vulnerabilities
- Fixing software vulnerabilities
- Creating the Fix vulnerabilities task
- Creating the Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities task
- Adding rules for update installation
- Viewing information about software vulnerabilities detected on all managed devices
- Viewing information about software vulnerabilities detected on the selected managed device
- Viewing statistics of vulnerabilities on managed devices
- Exporting the list of software vulnerabilities to a file
- Ignoring software vulnerabilities
- Scenario: Finding and fixing software vulnerabilities
- Setting the maximum storage period for the information about fixed vulnerabilities
- Managing applications run on client devices
- Using Application Control to manage executable files
- Application Control modes and categories
- Obtaining and viewing a list of applications installed on client devices
- Obtaining and viewing a list of executable files installed on client devices
- Creating application category with content added manually
- Creating application category that includes executable files from selected devices
- Viewing the list of application categories
- Configuring Application Control in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows policy
- Adding event-related executable files to the application category
- Creating an installation package of a third-party application from the Kaspersky database
- Viewing and modifying the settings of an installation package of a third-party application from the Kaspersky database
- Settings of an installation package of a third-party application from the Kaspersky database
- Application tags
- Configuring Administration Server
- Creating a hierarchy of Administration Servers: adding a secondary Administration Server
- Configuring storage term of events concerning to the deleted devices
- Aggregate emails about events
- Limitations on management of secondary Administration Servers running on-premises through Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Viewing the list of secondary Administration Servers
- Deleting a hierarchy of Administration Servers
- Configuring the interface
- Managing virtual Administration Servers
- Monitoring and reporting
- Scenario: Monitoring and reporting
- About types of monitoring and reporting
- Dashboard and widgets
- Reports
- Events and event selections
- About events in Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Events of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console components
- Using event selections
- Creating an event selection
- Editing an event selection
- Viewing a list of an event selection
- Exporting an event selection
- Importing an event selection
- Viewing details of an event
- Exporting events to a file
- Viewing an object history from an event
- Logging information about events for tasks and policies
- Deleting events
- Deleting event selections
- Notifications and device statuses
- Kaspersky announcements
- Receiving license expiration warning
- Cloud Discovery
- Remote diagnostics of client devices
- Opening the remote diagnostics window
- Enabling and disabling tracing for applications
- Downloading trace files of an application
- Deleting trace files
- Downloading application settings
- Downloading system information from a client device
- Downloading event logs
- Starting, stopping, restarting the application
- Running the remote diagnostics of an application and downloading the results
- Running an application on a client device
- Generating a dump file for an application
- Running remote diagnostics on a Linux-based client device
- Exporting events to SIEM systems
- Scenario: Configuring event export to SIEM systems
- Before you begin
- About event export
- Configuring an event export in a SIEM system
- Marking of events for export to SIEM systems in Syslog format
- About exporting events using Syslog format
- Configuring Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console for export of events to a SIEM system
- Viewing export results
- Quick Start Guide for Managed Service Providers (MSPs)
- About Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Getting started with Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Recommendations on managing your customers' devices
- Typical deployment scheme for MSPs
- Scenario: Protection deployment (tenant management through virtual Administration Servers)
- Scenario: Protection deployment (tenant management through administration groups)
- Joint usage of Kaspersky Security Center on-premises and Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Licensing of Kaspersky applications for MSPs
- Monitoring and reporting capabilities for MSPs
- Working with Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console in a cloud environment
- Licensing options in a cloud environment
- Preparing for work in a cloud environment through Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Cloud environment configuration wizard in Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Step 1. Checking the required plug-ins and installation packages
- Step 2. Selecting the application activation method
- Step 3. Selecting the cloud environment and authorization
- Step 4. Segment polling and configuring synchronization with Cloud
- Step 5. Selecting an application to create a policy and tasks for
- Step 6. Configuring Kaspersky Security Network for Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Step 7. Creating an initial configuration of protection
- Network segment polling via Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Adding connections for cloud segment polling via Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Deleting a connection for cloud segment polling
- Configuring the polling schedule via Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Viewing the results of cloud segment polling via Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Viewing the properties of cloud devices via Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Synchronization with Cloud: Configuring the moving rule
- Remote installation of applications to the Azure virtual machines
- Contact Technical Support
- Sources of information about the application
- Known issues
- Glossary
- Account on Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Active key
- Additional (or reserve) license key
- Administration group
- Administration Server
- Amazon EC2 instance
- Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
- Anti-virus databases
- Application tag
- Authentication Agent
- Available update
- AWS Application Program Interface (AWS API)
- AWS IAM access key
- AWS Management Console
- Broadcast domain
- Centralized application management
- Cloud Discovery
- Connection gateway
- Demilitarized zone (DMZ)
- Device owner
- Device tag
- Direct application management
- Distribution point
- Event repository
- Event severity
- Forced installation
- Group task
- Home Administration Server
- IAM role
- IAM user
- Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- Incompatible application
- Installation package
- JavaScript
- Kaspersky Next Expert View
- Kaspersky Private Security Network (KPSN)
- Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console Administrator
- Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console Operator
- Kaspersky Security Network (KSN)
- Kaspersky update servers
- Key file
- License term
- Local installation
- Local task
- Managed device
- Management web plug-in
- Network Agent
- Network anti-virus protection
- Network protection status
- Patch importance level
- Policy
- Policy profile
- Program settings
- Protection status
- Quarantine
- Remote installation
- Restoration
- Task
- Task for specific devices
- Task settings
- UEFI protection device
- Update
- Virtual Administration Server
- Virus activity threshold
- Virus outbreak
- Vulnerability
- Workspace
- Information about third-party code
- Trademark notices
Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
The section contains information about the purpose of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console and its main features and components.
Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console is an application hosted and maintained by Kaspersky. You do not have to install Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console on your computer or server. Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console enables the administrator to install Kaspersky security applications on devices on a corporate network, remotely run scan and update tasks, and manage the security policies of managed applications. The administrator can use a detailed dashboard that provides a snapshot of corporate device statuses, detailed reports, and granular settings in protection policies.
Article ID: 166361, Last review: Mar 3, 2025