Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console Help
- What's new
- Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- About Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Hardware and software requirements for Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Compatible Kaspersky applications and solutions
- Localization of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Comparison of Kaspersky Security Center and Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Architecture and basic concepts
- Application licensing
- Licensing of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- About the trial mode of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Using Kaspersky Marketplace to choose Kaspersky business solutions
- Licenses and the minimum number of devices for each license
- Events of the licensing limit exceeded
- Methods of distribution of the activation codes to the managed devices
- Adding a license key to the Administration Server repository
- Deploying a license key to client devices
- Automatic distribution of a license key
- Viewing information about license keys in use in the Administration Server repository
- Viewing information about the license keys used for a specific Kaspersky application
- Deleting a license key from the repository
- Viewing the list of devices where a Kaspersky application is not activated
- Revoking consent with an End User License Agreement
- Renewing licenses for Kaspersky applications
- Use of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console after the license expiration
- Licensing definitions
- Data provision
- Hardening Guide
- Interface of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Initial configuration of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Workspace management
- About workspace management in Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Getting started with Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Opening your Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console workspace
- Returning to the list of workspaces
- Signing out of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Managing the company and the list of workspaces
- Managing access to the company and its workspaces
- Resetting your password
- Editing the settings of an account in Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Selecting the data centers used to store Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console information
- Access to public DNS servers
- Scenario: Creating a hierarchy of Administration Servers managed through Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Migration to Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- About migration from Kaspersky Security Center Web Console
- Methods of migration to Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Scenario: Migration without a hierarchy of Administration Servers
- Migration wizard
- Migration with a hierarchy of Administration Servers
- Scenario: Migration of devices running Linux or macOS operating systems
- Scenario: Reverse migration from Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console to Kaspersky Security Center
- Migration with virtual Administration Servers
- About migration from Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud
- About migration from Kaspersky Security Center Web Console
- Quick start wizard
- About quick start wizard
- Starting quick start wizard
- Step 1. Selecting installation packages to download
- Step 2. Configuring a proxy server
- Step 3. Configuring Kaspersky Security Network
- Step 4. Configuring third-party update management
- Step 5. Creating a basic network protection configuration
- Step 6. Closing the quick start wizard
- Kaspersky applications initial deployment
- Scenario: Kaspersky applications initial deployment
- Creating installation packages for Kaspersky applications
- Distributing installation packages to secondary Administration Servers
- Creating a stand-alone installation packages for Network Agent
- Viewing the list of stand-alone installation packages
- Creating custom installation packages
- Requirements for a distribution point
- Network Agent installation package settings
- Virtual infrastructure
- Usage of Network Agent for Windows, macOS, and Linux: Comparison
- Specifying settings for remote installation on Unix devices
- Replacing third-party security applications
- Options for manual installation of applications
- Forced deployment through the remote installation task of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Protection deployment wizard
- Starting Protection deployment wizard
- Step 1. Selecting the installation package
- Step 2. Selecting Network Agent version
- Step 3. Selecting devices
- Step 4. Specifying the remote installation task settings
- Step 5. Restart management
- Step 6. Removing incompatible applications before installation
- Step 7. Moving devices to Managed devices
- Step 8. Selecting accounts to access devices
- Step 9. Starting installation
- Network settings for interaction with external services
- Preparing a device running Astra Linux in the closed software environment mode for installation of Network Agent
- Preparing a Linux device and installing Network Agent on a Linux device remotely
- Installing applications by using a remote installation task
- Starting and stopping Kaspersky applications
- Mobile Device Management
- Detection and response capabilities
- Discovering networked devices and creating administration groups
- Scenario: Discovering networked devices
- Network polling
- Adjustment of distribution points and connection gateways
- Calculating the number and configuration of distribution points
- Standard configuration of distribution points: Single office
- Standard configuration of distribution points: Multiple small remote offices
- Assigning distribution points manually
- Modifying the list of distribution points for an administration group
- Using a distribution point as a push server
- Using the "Do not disconnect from the Administration Server" option to provide continuous connectivity between a managed device and the Administration Server
- Creating administration groups
- Creating device moving rules
- Copying device moving rules
- Adding devices to an administration group manually
- Moving devices or clusters to an administration group manually
- Configuring retention rules for unassigned devices
- Configuring network protection
- Scenario: Configuring network protection
- About device-centric and user-centric security management approaches
- Policy setup and propagation: Device-centric approach
- Policy setup and propagation: User-centric approach
- Network Agent policy settings
- Comparison of Network Agent policy settings by operating systems
- Manual setup of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy
- Manual setup of the group update task for Kaspersky Endpoint Security
- Tasks
- Managing client devices
- Settings of a managed device
- Device selections
- Viewing and configuring the actions when devices show inactivity
- About device statuses
- Configuring the switching of device statuses
- Changing the Administration Server for client devices
- Creating Administration Server connection profiles
- About clusters and server arrays
- Properties of a cluster or server array
- Device tags
- Creating a device tag
- Renaming a device tag
- Deleting a device tag
- Viewing devices to which a tag is assigned
- Viewing tags assigned to a device
- Tagging devices manually
- Removing assigned tags from devices
- Viewing rules for tagging devices automatically
- Editing a rule for tagging devices automatically
- Creating a rule for tagging devices automatically
- Running rules for auto-tagging devices
- Deleting a rule for tagging devices automatically
- Quarantine and Backup
- Remote diagnostics of client devices
- Opening the remote diagnostics window
- Enabling and disabling tracing for applications
- Downloading trace files of an application
- Deleting trace files
- Downloading application settings
- Downloading system information from a client device
- Downloading event logs
- Starting, stopping, restarting the application
- Running the remote diagnostics of an application and downloading the results
- Running an application on a client device
- Generating a dump file for an application
- Remotely connecting to the desktop of a client device
- Connecting to devices through Windows Desktop Sharing
- Triggering of rules in Smart Training mode
- Managing administration groups
- Policies and policy profiles
- About policies
- About lock and locked settings
- Inheritance of policies and policy profiles
- Managing policies
- Viewing the list of policies
- Creating a policy
- Modifying a policy
- General policy settings
- Enabling and disabling a policy inheritance option
- Copying a policy
- Moving a policy
- Exporting a policy
- Importing a policy
- Viewing the policy distribution status chart
- Activating a policy automatically at the Virus outbreak event
- Forced synchronization
- Deleting a policy
- Managing policy profiles
- Data encryption and protection
- Users and user roles
- About user accounts
- Adding an account of an internal user
- About user roles
- Configuring access rights to application features. Role-based access control
- Assigning a role to a user or a security group
- Creating a user role
- Editing a user role
- Editing the scope of a user role
- Deleting a user role
- Associating policy profiles with roles
- Creating a security group
- Editing a security group
- Adding user accounts to an internal group
- Deleting a security group
- Configuring ADFS integration
- Configuring integration with Microsoft Entra ID
- Assigning a user as a device owner
- Assigning a user as a Linux device owner after installation of Network Agent
- Managing object revisions
- Kaspersky Security Network (KSN)
- Deletion of objects
- Updating Kaspersky databases and applications
- Scenario: Regular updating of Kaspersky databases and applications
- About updating Kaspersky databases, software modules, and applications
- Creating the task for downloading updates to the repositories of distribution points
- Configuring managed devices to receive updates only from distribution points
- Enabling and disabling automatic updating and patching for Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console components
- Automatic installation of updates for Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows
- About update statuses
- Approving and declining software updates
- Using diff files for updating Kaspersky databases and software modules
- Updating Kaspersky databases and software modules on offline devices
- Updating Kaspersky Security for Windows Server databases
- Managing third-party applications on client devices
- About third-party applications
- Limitations of Vulnerability and patch management
- Availability of Vulnerability and patch management features in trial and commercial mode and under various licensing options
- Third-party software updates
- Scenario: Updating third-party software
- Installing third-party software updates
- Creating the Find vulnerabilities and required updates task
- Find vulnerabilities and required updates task settings
- Creating the Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities task
- Adding rules for update installation
- Creating the Install Windows Update updates task
- Viewing information about available third-party software updates
- Exporting the list of available software updates to a file
- Approving and declining third-party software updates
- Updating third-party applications automatically
- Finding and fixing software vulnerabilities
- Fixing software vulnerabilities
- Creating the Fix vulnerabilities task
- Creating the Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities task
- Adding rules for update installation
- Viewing information about software vulnerabilities detected on all managed devices
- Viewing information about software vulnerabilities detected on the selected managed device
- Viewing statistics of vulnerabilities on managed devices
- Exporting the list of software vulnerabilities to a file
- Ignoring software vulnerabilities
- Scenario: Finding and fixing software vulnerabilities
- Setting the maximum storage period for the information about fixed vulnerabilities
- Managing applications run on client devices
- Using Application Control to manage executable files
- Application Control modes and categories
- Obtaining and viewing a list of applications installed on client devices
- Obtaining and viewing a list of executable files installed on client devices
- Creating application category with content added manually
- Creating application category that includes executable files from selected devices
- Viewing the list of application categories
- Configuring Application Control in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows policy
- Adding event-related executable files to the application category
- Creating an installation package of a third-party application from the Kaspersky database
- Viewing and modifying the settings of an installation package of a third-party application from the Kaspersky database
- Settings of an installation package of a third-party application from the Kaspersky database
- Application tags
- Configuring Administration Server
- Creating a hierarchy of Administration Servers: adding a secondary Administration Server
- Configuring storage term of events concerning to the deleted devices
- Aggregate emails about events
- Limitations on management of secondary Administration Servers running on-premises through Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Viewing the list of secondary Administration Servers
- Deleting a hierarchy of Administration Servers
- Configuring the interface
- Managing virtual Administration Servers
- Monitoring and reporting
- Scenario: Monitoring and reporting
- About types of monitoring and reporting
- Dashboard and widgets
- Reports
- Events and event selections
- About events in Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Events of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console components
- Using event selections
- Creating an event selection
- Editing an event selection
- Viewing a list of an event selection
- Exporting an event selection
- Importing an event selection
- Viewing details of an event
- Exporting events to a file
- Viewing an object history from an event
- Logging information about events for tasks and policies
- Deleting events
- Deleting event selections
- Notifications and device statuses
- Kaspersky announcements
- Receiving license expiration warning
- Cloud Discovery
- Remote diagnostics of client devices
- Opening the remote diagnostics window
- Enabling and disabling tracing for applications
- Downloading trace files of an application
- Deleting trace files
- Downloading application settings
- Downloading system information from a client device
- Downloading event logs
- Starting, stopping, restarting the application
- Running the remote diagnostics of an application and downloading the results
- Running an application on a client device
- Generating a dump file for an application
- Running remote diagnostics on a Linux-based client device
- Exporting events to SIEM systems
- Configuring event export to SIEM systems
- Before you begin
- About event export
- Configuring an event export in a SIEM system
- Marking of events for export to SIEM systems in Syslog format
- About exporting events using Syslog format
- Configuring Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console for export of events to a SIEM system
- Viewing export results
- Quick Start Guide for Managed Service Providers (MSPs)
- About Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Getting started with Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Recommendations on managing your customers' devices
- Typical deployment scheme for MSPs
- Scenario: Protection deployment (tenant management through virtual Administration Servers)
- Scenario: Protection deployment (tenant management through administration groups)
- Joint usage of Kaspersky Security Center on-premises and Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Licensing of Kaspersky applications for MSPs
- Monitoring and reporting capabilities for MSPs
- Working with Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console in a cloud environment
- Licensing options in a cloud environment
- Preparing for work in a cloud environment through Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Cloud environment configuration wizard in Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Step 1. Checking the required plug-ins and installation packages
- Step 2. Selecting the application activation method
- Step 3. Selecting the cloud environment and authorization
- Step 4. Segment polling and configuring synchronization with Cloud
- Step 5. Selecting an application to create a policy and tasks for
- Step 6. Configuring Kaspersky Security Network for Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Step 7. Creating an initial configuration of protection
- Network segment polling via Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Adding connections for cloud segment polling via Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Deleting a connection for cloud segment polling
- Configuring the polling schedule via Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Viewing the results of cloud segment polling via Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Viewing the properties of cloud devices via Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Synchronization with Cloud: Configuring the moving rule
- Remote installation of applications to the Azure virtual machines
- Contact Technical Support
- Sources of information about the application
- Known issues
- Glossary
- Account on Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console
- Active key
- Additional (or reserve) license key
- Administration group
- Administration Server
- Amazon EC2 instance
- Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
- Anti-virus databases
- Application tag
- Authentication Agent
- Available update
- AWS Application Program Interface (AWS API)
- AWS IAM access key
- AWS Management Console
- Broadcast domain
- Centralized application management
- Cloud Discovery
- Connection gateway
- Demilitarized zone (DMZ)
- Device owner
- Device tag
- Direct application management
- Distribution point
- Event repository
- Event severity
- Forced installation
- Group task
- Home Administration Server
- IAM role
- IAM user
- Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- Incompatible application
- Installation package
- JavaScript
- Kaspersky Next Expert View
- Kaspersky Private Security Network (KPSN)
- Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console Administrator
- Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console Operator
- Kaspersky Security Network (KSN)
- Kaspersky update servers
- Key file
- License term
- Local installation
- Local task
- Managed device
- Management web plug-in
- Network Agent
- Network anti-virus protection
- Network protection status
- Patch importance level
- Policy
- Policy profile
- Program settings
- Protection status
- Quarantine
- Remote installation
- Restoration
- Task
- Task for specific devices
- Task settings
- UEFI protection device
- Update
- Virtual Administration Server
- Virus activity threshold
- Virus outbreak
- Vulnerability
- Workspace
- Information about third-party code
- Trademark notices
Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console Help
Find out what's new in the latest application release. |
Configuring network protection Manage the security of an organization by configuring Kaspersky application policies and tasks in accordance with the organization's requirements. |
Hardware and software requirements Check which operating systems and application versions are supported. |
Kaspersky applications: regular updating databases and software modules Maintain the reliability of the protection system. |
Licensing of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console Learn details about Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console working in trial mode and in the commercial mode. |
View your infrastructure, protection statuses of networked devices, and statistics to manage the current protection state of your organization. You can also use reports. |
Start working with your workspace, configure Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console according to your needs. |
Vulnerability and patch management Find and fix vulnerabilities in third-party software. |
Migration to Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console Migrate your existing administration groups and related objects from Kaspersky Security Center on-premises to Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console. |
Exporting events to SIEM systems Configure exporting events to SIEM systems using the Syslog protocol. |
Discover the existing and new devices on your organization's network. |
Working in a cloud environment Protect virtual machines in cloud environments: Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform. |
Adjustment of distribution points and/or connection gateways Configure distribution points. |
Quick Start Guide for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) Learn how to work with Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console, if you are an administrator of MSP. |
Kaspersky applications: centralized deployment Deploy Kaspersky applications. |